Why India should deport Rohingyas, illegal immigrants by RATI HEGDE
These days whichever paper one picks up one sees at least one news item about Myanmar Refugees or the Rohingyas. Who is a refugee? A refugee is “a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.” We also see news of millions of refugees from Syria and other countries going as refugees to the USA and to other European countries. It goes without saying that these refugees belong to one religion – Islam.
Years ago my country India too had refugees. There were two occasions when we had them – once was when our country was partitioned and divided into 3 parts – Pakistan, India and East Bengal. The other occasion was when the Kashmiri Pandits were forced out of their homes and State of Kashmir and were forced to live like refugees in their own country. In both these instances, it was the Hindus who were the refugees.
This article wants to point out the stark difference between the above 2 sets of refugees. This article does not aim to criticize any religion, but wants to show how the international policy of ‘victimization’ has led to very undesirable events around the World.
When India was divided, the Hindus and the Sikhs from Pakistan and Hindus from East Bengal were forced to leave their country and make way into Bharat. They left behind all their wealth, land and everything and landed up in India as good as penniless beggars. On the way their women were raped and men, women and children were slaughtered. It was one of the bloodiest periods in History. Those who reached our country stayed in refugee camps all over the country, with no money and doles as food. Proud people forced to look up to alms to feed their families. But what followed was something that makes all of us proud.
- They did not sit around waiting for the Government (which already had no money in its coffers) to feed them and give them jobs and education. They did not become beggars. They worked hard and established themselves as one of the brightest in the country, be it in jobs or in entrepreneurship or in creative fields. They brought laurels and wealth into the Nation.
- It is with great pride that I say that they did not depend on Crime to earn a living. They took great pride in doing physical labour or meagre jobs, but stuck to the ‘Izzat ki roti’ even though one day they were kings & the next day, janitors.
- Among the first things they did was to insist on modern education for their children. They understood the value of grooming their children to face the future, while keeping their traditional value systems intact. Sindhis and Punjabis who came from Pakistan have given some of the best educational institutions to Mumbai – for eg. H.R. College, Lala Lajpatrai College and so many more.
- They also understood the urgent need to have smaller families in order to give the best to their children. From families which had at least five or six children, the next generation onwards stuck to the two children policy, without any external pressure.
- They assimilated fully the traditions, values of the land they had adopted as their own. A simple example would be of the Sindhis, who had no land/roots in modern Bharat, to call their own. But still they carried on with their traditions and rituals (some of which are very different from that of the other Hindus) as silently as possible, without disturbing any community, in the place they now lived in. They also participated in the rituals of the land they now lived in, with complete devotion.
- I do not remember a single strike, riot being waged by these refugees themselves or for these refugees by any community, for their rights and privileges. They helped themselves rise from the dust to become respected members of the society.
When the Kashmiri Pandits were throw out of their houses and the Valley, no riots, no strikes, no court cases helped them move back to their own homes, in THEIR OWN COUNTRY. They were Refugees, who did not want to leave their homes. But they were forced to leave, and then it was termed ‘migration’, to hide the horrible truth of genocide of a culture, of a race. But what did they do? They too followed the same pattern as those Hindus & Sikhs who had fled Pakistan. They too did not wait for the Government to give them rights & privileges to set right their lives. They just asked for a small reservation in education, and went about with their lives. They neither set fire to buses, shops or public properties, nor did they wait to beat up people or rape women, nor did they mow down people. Yes, they too, on their own, restricted the size of their family. And yes, they too, stuck to non-criminal activities.
When it comes to Rohingya refugees or Bangladeshi refugees who are living in Bharat, why is the pattern so different? Let us take a look at some incidents which are the hallmark of these refugees:
- Increasing number of children being born in refugee camps and to the Bangladeshi refugees too. A study of ‘Save the Children’ project said 48,000 babies would be born in 2018 in already overcrowded Rohingya camps, an India Today report said. What comes to your mind? If they are already living in squalor, without a Nation to call their own, why give birth to so many babies? Can they not adopt family planning measures? Who is expected to feed them? The Government of India? Why?
- Rohingyas massacred 99 Hindus in a single day’s carnage, as per reports of Amnesty International. Still the Rohingyas maintain that they are VICTIMS. And the entire Media machinery supports that. How are they the
victims? Why should the Government of India help them?
- In July 2017, people in Mahagun Moderne, Noida, woke up to a mob violence of 300 people going haywire because one maid of Bangladeshi origin (an illegal immigrant) was caught stealing money from her employers. She got in her entire Bangladeshi illegal immigrants to teach a lesson to her employers and others in the colony. Soon, the colony people realized the ‘pleasures’ of employing illegal immigrants in their homes.
- Azad Maidan Riots In Azad Maidan on 11 August 2012 took place after hearing an inflammatory speech or after seeing photographs of Assam violence and Rakhine (Rohingya) state riots. The riot resulted in two deaths and injuries to 54 people including 45 policemen. Mumbai Police estimated that the riots caused a loss of ₹2.74 crore in damages to public and private property. In Assam, the influx of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants was causing a huge loss in jobs and livelihood for the locals. They protested & the result was riots in Assam and then subsequently in other parts of India, by Muslims, to show support to the illegal migrants. In Mumbai, the rioters forgot that they were supposed to show solidarity with their country India first, and they even insulted the Martyr’s memorial – the Amar Jyoti Jawan memorial.
- Indulging in terror activities: Bangladeshi Immigrants have always been seen as a terror threat. They have been involved in sleeper cells and hawala activities from a long time. The MHA submitted this in its affidavit in the Supreme Court, to deport Rohingya refugees – “Rohingyas figured in the suspected sinister designs of ISI/Islamic State and other extremists groups who want to achieve their ulterior motives in India”. The affidavit also said that Rohingyas were involved in “illegal and anti-national activities” like mobilisation of funds through hawala channels, procuring fake Indian identity cards besides indulging in human trafficking.
The above are just related to the refugee crisis faced by Bharat. But the World over, it is a known fact that Muslim refugees and immigrants refuse to assimilate into the culture of the land. They also refuse to acknowledge the rules of the land and expect special privileges. They abuse the freedom given to them and indulge in terror and criminal activities, not to mention the notorious ‘grooming gangs’ in the UK.
With respect to Bharat, many may argue that since they are illegal here in Bharat, they cannot have access to proper jobs and therefore indulge in criminal activities. But this is a very misleading argument. The fact is that they want to enter illegally, stay illegally and want to indulge in illegal activities only. By and large they do not want to respect our Nation which is visible when we realize that they do not want to respect our monuments of National importance (Martyr’s memorial for eg.), do not want to learn our National Anthem or stand up for it, do not want modern education (they prefer Madrassas) and do not want to restrict their population.
The Main stream Media too, for obvious reasons, only wants to focus on attracting attention to their squalor and living conditions. They do not want to set the narrative for exposing their criminal activities, job deprivation of legal citizens, population explosion, etc. Not one TV channel wanted to continue a debate on the massacre of Hindus by Rohingya Muslims. Why? Are Hindu lives not important? Crying victim when actually they are the perpetrators of crime, is the hallmark of these illegal immigrants. It is time we took on the false narratives by the horn and made people aware of the dangers of indulging in supporting illegal immigrants, before our demographic change beyond recognition. The Government of India too needs to forcefully and firmly put out their case against accepting these illegal refugees into our Bharat.
The article first appeared in www.indusscrolls.com and published with their consent.